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Owning a Solstryx [FAQ]


You either own a Solstryx, or you're interested in owning one.
Either way, it's a cause to celebrate.
This page will tell you all you need to know and what it means to own one.
What are Solstryx?
Solstryx is a plushie-companion concept created by Renciel. They are a fictional species that grant "blessings" according to the types of traits they carry and exist as "lucky charms" to anyone who owns them. They are serpine-avian-wyvern sort of creatures that come from a different realm from our own, and enjoy human companionship.
All Solstryx have a beak, a set of pawed-wings and ears. These appendages can vary from design to design. Their fur and marking colours are however, the most important, as those are what decides their traits.
How are they made?
Each plushie is handmade at home by Renciel, just using sewing and embroidery machines. It is a tedious process all done by hand. But that's what makes them so special. Solstryx plushies will NEVER be mass/factory produced.
How do I own one?
The easiest way to own a Solstryx is by purchasing one via my shop online or at my booth at conventions. Conventions will have discounted prices and you can avoid hefty Singapore shipping prices, and is therefore my recommended method.
They are limited and subject to availability. Stay up to date by following my socials @RencielArt on Instagram.
Ownership perks
Owning one will gain you an Adoption Card and TCG Character Card along with the ownership rights to resell or adopt out your Solstryx in the future should they have fulfilled their companionship to you. Yes, you are welcome to collect and invest in them.
Only adult and chick plushies count for valid Solstryx ownership.
Keychains, stickers, postcards and other types of items are
just trinkets that fans of Solstryx can get to support the species.