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Once upon a time a rift was torn between the realm of the Solstryx and ours. No one knows for sure how or why the tear was formed, only that this was the catalyst that led them to trickle into our world. It was soon noticed that the ones who first encountered and befriended them, lived calmer, happier lives. Their burdens felt lighter and their health brighter. It was soon understood that these creatures brought some sort of... relief, and sometimes even revitalization to humans. That just being in close proximity to one could improve one's quality of life and that was a revelation to those studying them.

The creatures appeared unable to speak, only emitting squeaks, chirps and trills occasionally. They, however, were certainly not unintelligient, having obvious personalities— some of them bubbly and joyful, while others were more regal and collected in demeanor. They were often caught observing their bonded humans in their daily activities , hung around their shoulders. Most of the time, if not always, they appear content and happy where they were.

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After months of studying, it has come to the realisation that it's almost as if their presence here has a purpose. Solstryx seem almost akin to lucky charms, in that they give different boons according to the traits they have. It adds to the possibility that Solstryx are here to aid humanity by being by our side in our hardships, and in return, we share this newfound companionship with them.

Scientific Studies

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Solstryx Chicklets

"Oh! What ARE these small ones? I found some months ago and they don't seem to be aging just like the Solstryx. Why— I nearly confused them for a different species but DNA tests show they're indeed young Solstryx! Could it be that Solstryx stop growing once they cross over?


They appear every so often. Though they lack the markings that the adults have.

I've only come across a few that do. They must be pretty rare! 


They are... rather helpless. It might be best that someone adopts them. They'd still make good companions, I should think."

A scientist's log says:

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"They don't seem to fly very well.

Where are their hind legs?"

"They're so cute! The way they hop around is too adorable!"

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© Solstryx 2024  ©Renciel 2008 - 2025,   C.René Seah

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